7 tools to measure quality
by Iratxe Pandal
1. Scatter diagram
1.1. Shows the possible relationship between 2 variables
1.2. We can have a correlation without causation
1.3. 2 parameters can't correlate without a cause and effect relationship
2. Control charts
2.1. Collection of statistical tools that allow to ensure that the process is in control
2.1.1. Experiencing only normal variation
2.1.2. Helps monitor and control the process to make sure that the changes made were effective
2.1.3. Reflects the performance and behavior of the process
3. Control charts
3.1. visual tool that depicts the flow or sequence of a process
3.2. promotes a common understanding
3.3. makes complex become simple
3.4. gives an idea of what's really happening
4. Check sheets
4.1. collecting, organizing and analyzing data
4.2. has to have a meta data
4.2.1. who
4.2.2. when
4.2.3. where
5. Pareto charts
5.1. helps separate the vital few form the trivial many - Joseph Juran
6. Cause and effect
6.1. visual tool to explore all the potential factors that may be causing or contributing to a particular problem
6.2. 8 "M"'s
6.2.1. Maintenance
6.2.2. Measurement
6.2.3. Materials
6.2.4. Man
6.2.5. Mother nature
6.2.6. Management
6.2.7. Methods
6.2.8. Machines
6.3. Recommmended to see a true analysis
6.4. Brainstorming to discuss things we are not aware of
6.5. Helps finding the root cause of problems
7. Histograms
7.1. Graphs frequency of occurrence of continous data
7.2. useul for displaying, summarizing and analyzing data
7.2.1. this will show the pattern of variation of the data