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Citizenship by Mind Map: Citizenship

1. rules vs. laws

1.1. rules go with one place (library, school, home)

1.2. laws are for everyone EVERYWHERE they go in a country.

2. rights

2.1. the right to vote

2.2. the right to saying your opinion

2.3. the right to follow the religion that makes you happy

3. A good citizen:

3.1. follow directions

3.1.1. does not break the law

3.1.2. follows rules

3.2. is a good leader

3.3. is fair

3.4. is honest

3.4.1. tell the truth

3.5. completes responsibilities

3.5.1. take care of stuff that belongs to me and others

3.5.2. chores - washing dishes, taking out the trash, etc.

3.5.3. remember when your homework is due and turn it in

3.6. makes their country a better place

3.7. is kind to others