Preplanning Professional Development Online Course

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Preplanning Professional Development Online Course by Mind Map: Preplanning Professional Development Online Course

1. Who needs to be involved in the project?

1.1. Admin

1.2. Other teachers

1.3. Possibly outside trainers

2. How do the people assigned to the project like to work?

2.1. Admin likes step by step

2.1.1. But doesn't always follow through on each step when needed

2.2. Other teachers like flexibility in schedules

2.3. Outside trainers would likely work better with a schedule due to time constraints

3. Does the client subscribe to a methodology?

3.1. Admin definitely subscribes to a solid plan

3.1.1. But doesn't always follow it

4. Kanban

4.1. Pros: Visual, team members able to flex and work on what needs to be done as needed, can add new things as needed

4.2. Cons: Without solid role definitions, one team member might be stuck doing more work, especially with schedule shifts

5. Agile

5.1. Pros: Flexibility, could work on multiple pieces at once, able to be flexible when schedules shift (esp during testing weeks)

5.2. Cons: Client would likely prefer a schedule, even if they won't follow it

6. What is the intended outcome?

6.1. A usable online PD to take the place of some or most of the preplanning courses

6.1.1. Needs to be able to be adapted on an annual basis Should be completed in small chunks so pieces can be switched out as needed

7. What are the goals of the project?

7.1. To save time in the long run by adapting all of the previous work done by admin and other teachers

7.1.1. Allow returning teachers to test out of things in order to save more time

8. Are they any outside factors?

8.1. District already uses Canvas, so it'll be the easiest resource to use

8.2. Content will change from year to year. Currently unable to determine exactly how much, but can base it on change from previous years

8.3. Admin (Principal) likes to have in-person chats and "interactive" team-building activities. Might be difficult to get him onboard.

9. Which style would work best?

10. Waterfall

10.1. Pros: Step by step, easy to present to admin, solid schedule, one module at a time

10.2. Cons: Unable to be worked on simultaneously, less flexible - need flexibility in education