Basic Components Of Learning English (Laura Safina)

Laura Safina TBI IIIA

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Basic Components Of Learning English (Laura Safina) by Mind Map: Basic Components Of Learning English (Laura Safina)

1. Grammar

1.1. parts of speech

1.1.1. nouns names of people, places, and things (e.g, cat, city)

1.1.2. verbs action words (e.g, run, eat)

1.1.3. adjectives desribing words (e.g, happy, blue)

1.2. Sentences Structure

1.2.1. simple sentences S + V + O (e.g, "she likes pizza")

1.3. Basic sentences

1.3.1. present i eat

1.3.2. past i ate

1.3.3. future i will eat

2. reading

2.1. start with simple text

2.1.1. Children’s books or short articles.

2.2. Focus on Comprehension

2.2.1. Understand the main idea and key details

2.3. Expand Vocabulary

2.3.1. Highlight new words and look up their meanings

3. Speaking

3.1. Practice Speaking Regularly

3.1.1. Engage in conversations with friends or language partners.

3.2. Use Simple Sentences

3.2.1. Start with basic sentences and gradually add complexity.

3.3. role playing

3.3.1. Simulate real-life situations (e.g., ordering food).

4. listening

4.1. listen to simple audio

4.1.1. Songs, podcasts, or videos aimed at beginners.

4.2. practice understanding

4.2.1. Songs, podcasts, or videos aimed at beginners.

4.3. repeat and imitate

4.3.1. Repeat phrases to improve pronunciation.

5. writing

5.1. Start with Simple Sentences

5.1.1. Start with Simple Sentences:

5.2. keep a journal

5.2.1. Write about your day or describe things you see.

5.3. practice basic structure

5.3.1. Focus on correct punctuation and sentence formation