Mental Health Reactive Attachment Disorder

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Mental Health Reactive Attachment Disorder by Mind Map: Mental Health Reactive Attachment Disorder

1. How to Treat

1.1. Stable & Safe Living Envornment

1.2. Trauma Focused Therapy

1.3. Psychotherapy & Counseling

2. Who

2.1. Young children who experience Trauma

2.2. Untreated Trauma in Adults

3. Positive Side to RAD

3.1. Able to develope long term healthy relationships

3.2. Able to improve their emotional wellbeing.

3.3. Positive Long Term Interactions

4. RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder) rare condition of emotional dysfunction in which a child has difficulty forming a bond with caregivers due to early neglect or mistreatment.

5. Negative Side to RAD

5.1. Anger Issues

5.2. Relationship Avoidant

5.3. Violently Reactant towards affection

6. Diagnosis

6.1. No positive connections towards people or things. high pattern of emotionally withdrawn behavior toward caregivers, shown rarely seeking or not responding to comfort when distressed

6.2. Documented Neglect & Abuse

6.3. Anger, Distrust, impulsivity, and umemotionally attached or care for how they treat those around them