Evaluate the effectiveness of using math proficiency scales to increase math vocabulary acquisit...

Olivia Cushing

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Evaluate the effectiveness of using math proficiency scales to increase math vocabulary acquisition, achievement, and student self-efficacy. by Mind Map: Evaluate the effectiveness of using  math proficiency scales to increase math vocabulary acquisition, achievement, and student self-efficacy.

1. Communication Plan

1.1. Teachers: Teachers will particiapte in vertical planning meetings to share and evaluate proficiency scales.

1.2. Students: Teachers will have student-led conferences using the student-friendly proficiency scales.

1.3. Families: Parents receive "Parent Letters" that go along with each topic in math. The student-friendly proficiency scales will be included in this parent letter.

1.4. Community Members: Student-friendly proficiency scales will be posted on the school website, along with at-home resources that align with the standards-based proficiency scales.

2. Feeder Schools Inclusion Plan

2.1. Curriculum: Teachers will continue to use Envisions math to provide math instruction. Teachers will receive grade-level student-friendly proficiency scales.

2.2. Instruction: Teachers will continue to use the Envisions curriculum for core math instruction. Teachers will use student-friendly proficiency scales to provide data for tier 2 instruction.

2.3. Assessment: Teachers will use pre-assessments and post-assessments to collect data on student growth throughout each math topic and acquisition of math vocabulary.

3. Data & Stakeholders

3.1. Exact Path: Teachers will monitor student growth through Exact Path.

3.2. Teachers will assess students' growth through pre-tasks and end-of-topic tasks.

3.3. Teachers will monitor student self-efficacy through pre-assessments and post-assessments.

4. Professional Development

4.1. AMSTI Training: Proficiency Scales

4.2. Meeting with building-based math coaches and the district math coach in PLCs.

4.3. Vertical planning to connect foundational skills/pre-requisite skills in prior grade levels to standards in grades 3-5.

5. Communication Plan

5.1. STEAM Math and Reading Night: Families who attend will receive training on how to use the proficiency scales. Students will receive math vocabulary resources to use at home.

5.2. Toolkits: All students will receive a math and reading toolkit with resources aligned to state standards.

5.3. Student-led Parent/Teacher Conferences

6. Budget Needs

6.1. Cost of AMSTI training: $0

6.2. Cost of sub per teacher: $175.13 or stipend pay for summer trainings

6.3. Cost of materials: "A Handbook for Developing & Using Proficiency Scales in the Classroom"- $30.92

7. Collaboration Plan

7.1. Vertical planning meetings between grades K/1 and 2/3.

7.2. Vertical planning meetings with grades 3-5

7.3. All grade-levels will receive AMSTI proficiency scales and student-friendly proficiency scales aligned to the grade-level standards.

7.4. Faculty meetings and grade-level meetings

7.5. Instructional Rounds: Teachers will participate in instructional rounds to observe teachers using student-friendly proficiency scales.