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Exercise by Mind Map: Exercise

1. Social Benefits

1.1. You can meet new people and bond.

1.2. You can have fun while exercising.

1.3. Bond with family.

2. Physical Benefits

2.1. Your heart can pump blood to the rest of your body with barely any effort.

2.2. Makes your bones denser and stronger. Which reduces your chances of osteoporosis

2.3. Improves balance and coordination. Can reduce chances of injury.

2.4. Helps staying at a healthy weight, which can reduce chances of diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers.

3. Pshycological

3.1. During continuous exercise your brain releases endorphins , which block pain passages.

3.2. Endorphins also control your mood. With physical activity, you will be happier person.

3.3. Simple stretching exercises can relax tense muscles and help you sleep better.