Track to Graduation

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Track to Graduation by Mind Map: Track to Graduation

1. Project (graduation) Management come up with a plan of courses left to do and how to manage them.

1.1. Planning

1.2. need 1 4 credit winter class and 4 3 credit spring classes

1.3. Create a list of potential classes

1.4. make appointment with advisor to talk about the best fit classes for me and go over what i have chosen

2. Create Schedule

2.1. 4 credit winter class still undecided

2.2. Spring:

2.2.1. MGMT 451, Mon/Wed 10:30-11:45

2.2.2. MGMT492, Mon/Wed 12-1:15

2.2.3. MGMT429, Mon/Wed 4:25-5:40

2.2.4. MGMT 452 TUE/THURS 11-12:15

3. Time management throught semester

3.1. Weekly to do

3.2. look at all in class and out of class assignment

3.3. create a callender

3.4. pick specific time slots for each assignment and give a certain amount of time to work on it

3.5. designate certain times to study

3.6. work life balance- assign times to do fun activities thadont involve school

4. Apply for Graduation

5. Graduate!