
this is my design project for the scenario HRM, Recuitment and onboarding

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OnBoardPro(HRM) by Mind Map: OnBoardPro(HRM)

1. payroll

1.1. admin

1.1.1. calculate leaves

1.1.2. add bonus

1.1.3. processing decrements

1.1.4. update payslips

1.2. employee

1.2.1. view payslip

1.2.2. download payslip

2. interview sheduling& announcements

2.1. admin

2.1.1. update shedules

2.1.2. update announcements

2.1.3. mark attendance

2.2. employee

2.2.1. view shedules

2.2.2. download shedules

3. authentication

3.1. sign in

3.1.1. enter user name and password

3.2. sign up

3.2.1. creating account

3.2.2. using google account

3.3. forget password

3.3.1. reset paasword

3.3.2. try with otp

4. dashboard

4.1. user guid

4.2. privacy and policies

4.3. announcements

5. account update

5.1. admin

5.1.1. mannage applicants accounts

5.1.2. payroll processing

5.1.3. system settings

5.1.4. vacancy and job mannagement

5.2. employee

5.2.1. update personal information and documents