Luke Belmar Podcast ( How to escapr the syetem)


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Luke Belmar Podcast ( How to escapr the syetem) создатель Mind Map: Luke Belmar Podcast ( How to escapr the syetem)

1. Money and freedom give ability to express yourself

1.1. loyalty:

1.2. Longevity

1.3. Technology dencentralized problems and errors can take place

1.4. IMF Relief here is package they can never default

2. Fedualism

2.1. King own a lot of lands and the peasants. They weren't government but they still control.

2.2. Money is Energy

2.3. Breaking the current patterns of behavior

2.4. What is mindset? The primary function of the brain is to receive information because it poerates as a transmitter

2.5. What is enlightment? What is the next thing I should do?

3. Moral and Logic

3.1. LIfe ia about goal

3.2. you never going to become everything

3.3. When you can analyze your moral with logic you will become unstoppable.

4. Matrix ( Womb)

4.1. What level of matrix existed?

4.2. we suffer more imagination than reality:

5. Books Section and Question

5.1. Question: Three independent nation state

5.2. Answer: DC, City of London , the vatican

5.3. BOOKS: The lords of easy moneyt

5.4. The millionaire master plan