Implementing Literacy Across the Curriculum in Sixth Grade Science & Social Studies Courses

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Implementing Literacy Across the Curriculum in Sixth Grade Science & Social Studies Courses by Mind Map: Implementing Literacy Across the Curriculum in Sixth Grade Science & Social Studies Courses

1. Quarter 1 (October 2024)

1.1. Complete iReady Fall Diagnostic

1.1.1. ELA teachers review data and select 1 standard for Science & Social Studies to implement, then provide sample activities. Science & Social Studies teachers complete lesson plans to include 30 minutes weekly practice. Science & Social Studies teachers implement weekly activities geared towards that one standard for the remainder of the quarter.

2. Quarter 2 (November 2024 - Janaury 2025)

2.1. ELA teachers review Fall ELA Benchmark data and compare it to iReady Fall Diagnostic data.

2.1.1. ELA teachers review data and select 3 standards for Science & Social Studies to implement for Q2. Then determine the order for the three standards and provide sample activities. Science & Social Studies teachers complete lesson plans to include 30 minutes weekly practice. Science & Social Studies teachers implement activities geared towards the standard on rotation for the remainder of the quarter. Weeks 1-3 = e.g. RI.6.8 Weeks 4-6 = e.g. L.6.4 Weeks 7-9 = e.g. RI.6.2

3. Quarter 3 (February 2025 - March 2025)

3.1. ELA teachers compare all current data points to see any trends.

3.1.1. Using Winter ELA Benchmark data and Winter iReady data teachers repeat steps from Quarter 2 in Quarter 3 to select another set of standards to focus on. Science & Social Studies teachers implement activities geared towards the standard on rotation for the remainder of the quarter. Weeks 1-3 = e.g. L.6.4 Weeks 4-6 = e.g. RI.6.1 Weeks 7-9 = e.g. RI.6.3 Complete iReady Spring Diagnostic. Re-evaluate the remaining standards for the quarter and adjust as needed.