Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Test-Retest or Stability

1.1. test-retest is used to retest students on the exact test to ensure that there reliability is existent within the two test.

2. Alternate Forms or Equivalence

2.1. Using two different types of a test but used to decide reliability of scores among the two.

3. Internal Consistency

3.1. 1. Split-Half Methods 2. Kuder-Richardson Methods 3. Problems with Internal Consistency Estimates. The three are used to show internal consistency. It shows that results rely on each other when determining the strength of the test.

4. Content Validity Evidence

4.1. Importance because tests validity of test question.

5. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

5.1. Two parts: 1. Concurrent Criterion-related Validity Evidence 2. Predictive Validity Evidence. Concurrent focuses on testing at the exact same time to validate validity. Predictive predicts the future behaviors of the test taker.

6. Construct Validity Evidence

6.1. Other information that corresponds within the theory.