Managing An Online Craft Store Mind Map

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Managing An Online Craft Store Mind Map por Mind Map: Managing An Online Craft Store Mind Map

1. Payment

1.1. payment options

1.2. on delivery

1.3. invoice

2. Other Sites

2.1. Etsy

2.2. Artfire

2.3. Ebay

3. E-mail Marketing

3.1. Web sign up

3.2. newsletter

4. Goods

4.1. time of production

4.2. pricing

4.3. inventory

5. Customer Support

5.1. guarantee

5.2. help desk

6. Social Networks

6.1. Twitter

6.2. Facebook

6.3. Pinterest

6.4. Youtube

6.4.1. video marketing

7. Content

7.1. product promotion

7.2. photos

7.3. tutorials

7.4. syndication

8. Website Work

8.1. keyword research

8.2. market research

8.3. layout and design

9. Copyright (c) Craft Maker Pro:

9.1. Click the arrow beside the word for more information.