A problem of rising cost of healtcare in Kazakhstan

healthcare in kz

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A problem of rising cost of healtcare in Kazakhstan by Mind Map: A problem of rising cost of healtcare in Kazakhstan

1. Monopolies and patents

1.1. Transnationals corporations

1.1.1. Pfizer

1.1.2. Bayer

1.1.3. Johnson&Johnson

1.2. High taxes for imported medicaments

2. Spendings on researches

2.1. Cost of Laboratories and equipments

2.1.1. Necessary and rare equipment

2.1.2. skilled personnel

2.1.3. materials and reagents

2.2. long and complicated process

2.2.1. time for drugs development

2.2.2. Time for testing medicaments

2.2.3. logistic and economic problems

2.2.4. high risk of failure compensations

2.3. Lack of high-qualified professionals

2.3.1. low level of education

2.3.2. low payments for workers

2.3.3. immigration of qualified professionals

3. Ethics and Morals

3.1. Ethical dilemmas

3.1.1. Experiments Animals Human

4. Economy and Goverment

4.1. Unstable economy

4.1.1. Inflation

4.2. Labour cost

4.3. Private sector

5. Strict requirments

5.1. Certifications

5.1.1. ISO 9001

5.1.2. GMP

5.2. complicated burocratic processes

5.2.1. data collection and reporing

5.2.2. pressure from government

5.3. compliance of quality standarts

5.3.1. strict quality and safety standarts

6. Culture

6.1. Preventive Medicine

6.2. Traditional medicine

6.2.1. Self-medication

6.2.2. esotherism