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Curriculum by Mind Map: Curriculum

1. AFL not Assessment of Learning

1.1. Standardized Testing

1.2. Formative

1.3. Summative

1.4. Student interviews/self-assessments

2. Leadership

2.1. Empowerment

2.2. Teacher Craft

2.3. Innovation/Creativity

2.4. Sharing Knowledge/Information

2.5. Questioning

2.6. Mentoring/Peer Evaluation

2.7. Coaching Teachers in deeper understanding of standards.

3. Personalize Learning

3.1. Training/Support

3.2. Technology Resources for innovative instruction

3.3. Student engagement

3.4. deeper level of understanding of standards to meet students where they are at


4.1. Cross Curricular

4.2. Vertical Alignment

4.3. ELT's

5. Instructional Strategies

5.1. Lesson design and planning

5.2. Student Engagement

5.3. Accomodations

5.4. PLC/PD

6. RtI

6.1. Closing the Gap

6.2. Progress Monitoriing