A Crafter's Timeline Mind Map

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A Crafter's Timeline Mind Map por Mind Map: A Crafter's Timeline Mind Map

1. Handicraft Creations (Insert time here)

2. Others

2.1. pay bills

2.2. movie time

2.3. family time

3. Other Jobs (if any)

4. Daily Rituals

4.1. Morning (Insert time here)

4.1.1. morning coffee

4.1.2. exercise

4.1.3. breakfast

4.1.4. hygiene (shower/toothbrush/etc.)

4.2. Bedtime (Insert time here)

4.2.1. book rading

4.2.2. clean all the dishes

4.2.3. hygiene

5. Online Tasks (Insert time here)

5.1. check e-mails

5.2. social networking sites

5.3. writing

5.4. customer support

5.5. shipping

6. Copyright (c) 2013 by Craft Maker Pro: http://www.craftmakerpro.com/

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