Animal Groups

Animal groups with examples!

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Animal Groups by Mind Map: Animal Groups

1. Mammals

1.1. Elephant

1.2. Rabbit

1.3. Dolphin

2. Birds

2.1. Flamingo

2.2. Parrot

2.3. Blue Jay

3. Reptiles

3.1. Lizard

3.2. Turtle

3.3. Snake

4. Fish

4.1. Catfish

4.2. Trout

4.3. Salmon

5. Insects

5.1. Bumble Bee

5.2. Fly

5.3. Ladybug

6. Can you tell me which category each animal goes into?

7. Amphibians

7.1. Frog

7.2. Axolotl

7.3. Salamander