
Intermediate Phrasal Verbs with Get

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Get by Mind Map: Get

1. Can't/Couldn't get over sth

1.1. be very surprised or shocked that something has happened or that something is true

2. Get away with sth/doing sth

2.1. Succeed in not being criticised or punished for something wrong that you have done

2.2. do something successfully even though it is not the best way of doing it

3. Get by

3.1. have just enough money to pay for the things I need, but nothing more

4. Get around/round

4.1. find a way of dealing with or avoiding a problem

5. Get around/round to

5.1. do something that you have intended to do for a long time

6. Get together (with)

6.1. If two or more people get together, they meet in order to do something or spend time together

7. Get on (with)

7.1. If two or more people get on, they like each other and are friendly to ech other.

7.2. Continue doing something, especially work

8. Get behind (with)

8.1. If you get behind with work or with payments, you have not done as muchwork or paid as much as you should by a particular time.

9. Get sth over with

9.1. do and complete something difficult or unpleasant that must be done

10. Get away

10.1. Leave a place or person, often when the situation makes it difficukt for you to do so

11. Getting at

11.1. If you ask someone what they are getting at, you are asking them what they mean, usually because they have said something indirectly