What is Education for?

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What is Education for? by Mind Map: What is Education for?

1. Participatory Readiness: being ready to participate in society and to contribute to it

1.1. Disinterested Deliberation: the ability to see an issue through unbiased lenses in order to figure out the best solution

1.1.1. public representatives behaving reasonably in the halls of a legislature

1.2. Fair Fighting: to shift society's values and opinion on a subject

1.2.1. Women's rights activists fighting for equal rights with men

1.3. Prophetic Work: to devote yourself to a cause and to pursue it

1.3.1. Martin Luther King Jr fighting for civil rights

2. Solving Political Issues

2.1. Economic Equality

2.1.1. The root cause of economic equality is politics, not the inability for the lower class to gain high paying jobs. Since it is a political issue, the solution is to teach politics in school rather than teach specific skills for high paying careers.

2.2. If the government fails it's purpose, it is up to the citizens to guide it back on the right track.

2.2.1. This requires citizens to be well educated on philosophy, economics, politics, cultural studies, and psychology

3. Liberal Arts

3.1. There is too much focus on STEM in the country. The people who designed the system of democracy were wellversed in history, philosophy, and literature rather than STEM

3.1.1. The democratic process in America will be strengthed with more citizens that are knowledgeable in liberal arts. Not every citizen needs to be a professional politician, but every citizen should be knowledgeable enough to be involved with politics

3.1.2. Students who scored high in the English portion of the SAT had increased likelihood for political participation while students who scored higher in math showed less. People with more sophisticated verbal skills and writing skills are more ready for civic participation 92.8% of humanities majors have voted, compared to only 83.5% of STEM majors voting

4. Eradicating Social Injustices

4.1. Education used to promote the patriarchy and racism. We must learn from the mistakes of our ancestors to eradicate social injustices.