Project 2 Final

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Project 2 Final by Mind Map: Project 2 Final

1. What is Education?

2. Civil Education

3. Liberal Arts/Humanities

4. Government Function

5. Laws


7. science

8. technology

9. Engineering

10. Math

11. Cold war

12. popularization STEM field

13. Government funding of STEM education

14. Civil education put on backburner

15. Poor education and funding of civics

16. Vocational paradigm

17. inflated value in STEM education, prioitizing it over other areas of education

18. Participitory Readiness

19. Civil agency

20. Disinteresed deliberation

21. prophectic work

22. Fair Fighting

23. Gathering in assembly to solve problem

24. rhetorical power and ideas to shape public

25. Civil discussion

26. MLK

27. Ancient Athens

28. Working together not agianst eachother

29. Humanities students more likley to prticipate in democracy than STEM

30. Education forcused on workforce

31. Led to inequality in opprotuniity in workforce and school

32. "92.8 percent of humanities majors have voted at least once since finishing school. Among STEM majors, that number is 83.5 percent

33. The reliance on an exclusively vocational paradigm as the sole guide to education policy-making is a failure to meet the legal standard for securing a basic right

34. "44.1 percent of 1993 humanitities graduates had written to public officals, compared to 30.1 percent of STEM majors

35. Debates, Council meetings

36. Early womens rights activists

37. Engineering and the development of rockets

38. Protested out against Inequality