Supporting deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) colleagues in meetings
by Kaycee Bajade
1. Before meeting
1.1. Send an agenda beforehand
1.2. Pick an appropriate setting which is well-lit and no background noise
1.3. Provide alternative ways to attend meetings depending on number of participants
1.3.1. 3 or less: Can sit in the meetings and lip read.
1.3.2. 4 or more: Can choose to attend meeting via Microsoft Teams where live transcriptions will record and transcribe speech in real time.
2. During meeting
2.1. Nominate a minute taker
2.1.1. Minutes of meeting should be clear and legible for them to look over.
2.2. Take turns when speaking
2.2.1. Online: Use the raise the hand function to speak.
2.2.2. Offline: Person speaking to physically raise their hand.
2.3. Use aids where possible
2.3.1. Online: Make sure cameras are turned on.
2.3.2. Dictaphone which records conversations and allows them to play it back.
2.3.3. Visual aids like presentations, handouts and images.