Supporting deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) colleagues in meetings

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Supporting deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) colleagues in meetings by Mind Map: Supporting deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) colleagues in meetings

1. Before meeting

1.1. Send an agenda beforehand

1.2. Pick an appropriate setting which is well-lit and no background noise

1.3. Provide alternative ways to attend meetings depending on number of participants

1.3.1. 3 or less: Can sit in the meetings and lip read.

1.3.2. 4 or more: Can choose to attend meeting via Microsoft Teams where live transcriptions will record and transcribe speech in real time.

2. During meeting

2.1. Nominate a minute taker

2.1.1. Minutes of meeting should be clear and legible for them to look over.

2.2. Take turns when speaking

2.2.1. Online: Use the raise the hand function to speak.

2.2.2. Offline: Person speaking to physically raise their hand.

2.3. Use aids where possible

2.3.1. Online: Make sure cameras are turned on.

2.3.2. Dictaphone which records conversations and allows them to play it back.

2.3.3. Visual aids like presentations, handouts and images.

3. After meeting

3.1. Share minutes so that they can check and clarify any misinterpretations

3.2. Offer oppurtunity to ask any questions.