What is Education For?

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What is Education For? by Mind Map: What is Education For?

1. Many argue that schools prioritize academics over the importance of engaging in a community and being more uniform/informed.

1.1. STEM education

1.1.1. Education skills related to academics like math or science for good jobs

2. Training for specific job roles, lead to limiting the contributions to act in society

2.1. Economic

2.1.1. Inequality Vocational Paradigm Competitiveness in the job market Inflation/Deflation Unemployment Lack of understanding modern society Wealth Gap being limited to equality and not focusing on broader relationships with societal and political equality

2.1.2. absence of civic engagement leads to failing to adress societal inequalities political equality

3. Current education systems are being criticized for its inequalities, focusing more on the economic rather than preparing individuals for society.

3.1. Contributing to the economy is what modern society are more worried about.

3.1.1. Vocational Education only takes account for the economic equality not any other forms of equality Job readiness Income neglecting social equality

3.1.2. absence of political or civic equality unequal protection, information, rights, participation

3.2. focusing more on the economy with preparing students to advocate for justice

4. The growing need for students to be taught how to think critically about the complexity of social issues, not just equipping them to memorize information to only school related facts.

4.1. Participatory readiness

4.1.1. Involves the preparation of an individual to take part and contribute to a civic life. The need for more school resources Requires more resources then vocational education

4.1.2. Becoming more kowledgeable to think deeply

4.1.3. Importance of Humanities

4.1.4. Equality - to learn different perspectives

5. Balance in Vocational Education and Civic Engagement

5.1. Education should cultivate citizens, not just workers

5.2. Civic Engagement

5.2.1. Preparing students for democracy and social equality demoncratic participation engaging and being prepared to participate in democracy

5.2.2. contributing to community life and collaborations

5.2.3. understand society