Impact of Life by Innovation and Technology

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Impact of Life by Innovation and Technology by Mind Map: Impact of Life by Innovation and Technology

1. waterproof materials to protect your items from being damaged

2. People couldn't post content online for sharing now they can press of a button and it takes less time

3. we can use digital forms to pay this way I don't have to carry around cash since it might get stolen

3.1. No banking system because they used trade

4. if you want to send a message you can simply use technology but before you needed to travel to them

4.1. There were no apps to show you news instead they use newspapers

5. no medical equipment to make sure people are okay or healthy

5.1. they didn't have stitches they used to use unsafe materials instead like rope

5.2. they didn't have stitches they used to use unsafe materials instead like rope

6. No fashion they used to wear anything to get covered

6.1. No bags they used to tie cloth on a stick to carry things around

7. No speicific machines

7.1. machines are used to clean food

7.2. no printers we had type writers which used so much time and so much ink

7.3. they didn't have materials to fish they used sticks now we have rods and nets

7.4. There was no paper they usede to use different materials

8. there was no technology and there is now.

9. alarm clock waking me up

10. there were no iPads for entertainment

10.1. videos didn't use to have colours they were all in black and white

11. no apple watches but now they are useful incase you lost of forgot your phone

12. they used birds but now we have computers, phones, and iphones to send messages and communicate

12.1. there were no cameras to take pictures now we can take on our phones or iPads

13. we didn't have vehicles but now we do and it helps us get to places faster

13.1. couldn't use airplanes and only travelled by sea or by land

14. no speakers to hear music they only used to use radios or actual real life singers

14.1. no microphones or technology for concerts they used to depend on infrastructure

15. Impacts our education because it helps gives us more resources and better buildings

15.1. People can use 'kindle' as a device to read books

15.2. using technology for more education because it makes it easier for research

16. there were no security systems to make sure no one stole anything or committed crimes

17. no ACs they used to depend on papers fans or on thw wind

18. they used to use wood to make fire but now we have lighters