How to grow Sunflowers!

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How to grow Sunflowers! by Mind Map: How to grow Sunflowers!

1. Sunflower

1.1. Sunflower seeds.

1.2. pot or area of healthy dirt.

1.3. A place that gets good sunlight.

1.4. Water and moist ground.

1.5. You also need a small shovel.

2. How to plant a sunflower.

2.1. Start with your area of dirt.

2.2. Water the ground or your pot a little to get the dirt loose.

2.3. Take your shovel and make a small trench in the dirt.

2.4. Place seeds inside the trench and place them about a half an inch to an inch apart.

2.5. lightly and carefully cover them with dirt.

2.6. Water the seeds but make sure not to drown the seeds and you don;t want them to be washed out or move into each other! Have good judgment!

3. How to keep your flower alive!

3.1. Make sure they get lots of sun!

3.2. water them regularly but not to much!

3.3. Put them in a place where they will not get wrecked by animals or other humans! (safe place)

4. Watch them GROW!