1. Mastery
1.1. Desire to get better at something that matters
1.1.1. Learning Self-Directed Learning Help to identify any available learning available such as IDA, ONlit, etc. If this is a goal in ALP seek out opportunities to support teacher to access this learning. Board Directed Learning Ministry directed PD on screening tool. Collaborative Learning Once screening is done school teams are meeting to identify goals and what learning they would like to focus on this term as a team.
2. Purpose
2.1. Desire to do something in service of something larger than ourselves.
2.1.1. Data
2.1.2. Call to action Ontario Human Right's Commission Right to Read Report PPM 155
2.1.3. Engage in Current and Responsive Instructional Practices UDL Effective Early Reading Strategies
3. Plan, Action, Review
3.1. Screening
3.1.1. Implement Screening from list of board approved tools.
3.2. Data Analysis and Goal Setting
3.2.1. Meet with teachers and Reading Intervention teachers to analysis data. Guide teachers to use board created data collection tool and keep in School Teams site. Determine which students require diagnostics. Support teachers in use of diagnostics and use of tools.
3.3. Tier 1 Instruction
3.3.1. Board approved list of resources, access System Teachers, Reading Intervention Teachers, visit classrooms to review look-fors, identify Tier 1 instruction based on structured literacy within daily schedule.
3.4. Intervention
3.4.1. After data anaylsis, identify students who need Tier 2/3 support. Meet with SET to plan use of intervention programs (Empower, Corrective Reading) and when intervention will occur.
3.5. Communication to families
3.5.1. Ensure timely communication sent to parents. This will be a board created letter. Support team to ensure proper data is included, meet with parents if needed.
3.6. Mid-point screening and progress monitoring
3.6.1. Access board and human resource to provide training. Guide use of board created progress monitoring data collection tool.
3.7. Resources
3.7.1. Ensure all teachers have their screening materials, instructional resources and materials.
4. Autonomy
4.1. Urge to direct our own lives
5. Autonomy
5.1. Urge to direct our own lives
5.1.1. Professional Judgement Based on professional learning, Ministry Initiatives, School Board Direction. Our K-2 teachers are required to use Acadience however teachers who teach 3+ can choose from board approved list. RITs are required to re-sreener students in the "red". Teachers may choose to do a mid-point assessment on any student. Teachers may choose instructional tools and UDL as long as it aligns with Structured Literacy, and supports students will IEPs.