Start your own business


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Start your own business by Mind Map: Start your own business

1. Fountain of ideas

2. What an entrepreneur should do

3. Know thyself

4. creativity

5. foresight

6. endure critisism

7. Be in the loop

8. Know what is going on around you and your business

9. Read the papers

10. Adapt your ideas to yourself

11. Where they come from?

12. How to test them?

13. Market will tell you whether your idea is grear or it is a failure

14. If you wake up miserable everyday, that is a signal to move on

15. Ideas are in front of your face

16. Do not overthink about the ideas

17. Do not reinvent the wheel

18. Combine or create something absolutely unique

19. Rethink your daily life

20. Adjust or make something better

21. Use deadlines

22. It helps focus on goals

23. Pressure creates the necessity

24. Join the club

25. Have the heart to start your business

26. Take advantage of the opportunities

27. Feel the industry you are in

28. Competition in the existing market

29. existing customer base

30. 5-10% will pay attention to your product

31. existing market

32. you can test the ideas

33. existing market and competition is a good thing

34. you have to do something unique (not completly dif)

35. "be better faster cheaper"

36. you need to talk to "their" customers

37. ultimate competitive advantage

38. if you really care and you are passionate about the idea you will succed