Preparedness and response: Role of Nurse in disaster management

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Preparedness and response: Role of Nurse in disaster management by Mind Map: Preparedness and response: Role of Nurse in disaster management

1. Aims and objectives of hospital dM planning

2. Phases of hospital disaster planning

2.1. Pre disaster pahse

2.1.1. Planning, Manual, Capacity building

2.2. Disaster phase

2.2.1. Notification, Triage, Police info, Response operation phase, Deactivation

2.3. Post disaster phase

2.3.1. Debriefing, Review

3. Role of nurse

4. Current trends and challenges

5. Factors contributing to risk of disaster

5.1. Hazards, Location, Exposure, Vulnerability

6. Objectives of DM

6.1. Train, Treat, Reduce

7. Disaster management cyle

7.1. Pre phase

7.1.1. Prevention, Mitigation, preparedness

7.2. Post phase

7.2.1. Response, Releif , Recovery

8. Disaster planning types

8.1. Develeopmental, Contigency, Strategic, Response, Operational, Preparedness

9. Planning at hospital level

9.1. Hospital treatment capacity and surgical capacity