Zinabb - Forum

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Zinabb - Forum by Mind Map: Zinabb - Forum

1. Plugins

1.1. extend common functionality

1.2. aplicable to all components

1.3. 'extendable' interface indicates a components ability to accept plugins

1.4. Wie sollen die Plugins registriert werden?

2. Backend

2.1. manage

2.1.1. categories

2.1.2. boards

2.1.3. topics

2.1.4. permissions group permissions user permissions

2.2. enable / disable Plugins

3. Miscelaneous

3.1. statistics

3.1.1. hottest topics

3.1.2. top posters

3.2. recent posts

3.3. who's watching what

3.4. Ressourcepath: zinabb_core_forum

4. Permissions

4.1. Unix like permissions: rwx rwx rwx

4.2. applyable to categories, boards (, maybe topics, too)

5. Category

5.1. group boards

5.2. colapsible in frontend

5.3. icons

5.4. Ressourcepath: zinabb_core_forum_category:#categoryid

5.5. Contains Boards

6. Board

6.1. icons

6.2. Ressourcepath: zinabb_core_forum_board:#boardid

6.3. Can be standard for calendar (post new events automatically in a Board)

6.4. Contains topics

7. Post

7.1. managable only via frontend

7.2. inline editing

7.3. whispering (private messages in topic)

7.4. Contenplugins

7.4.1. Calendar event - zinabb_core_calendar_event:#eventid

7.4.2. Poll - zinabb_core_poll:#pollid

7.4.3. Internal link

7.4.4. Media object - zinabb_core_media:#mediaid

8. Topic

8.1. followable

8.1.1. Mail

8.1.2. Personal Message

8.1.3. Javascript / Ajax

8.2. types

8.2.1. default

8.2.2. discussion (like vanilla, wave)

8.3. flags

8.3.1. sticky

8.3.2. locked

8.3.3. announced

8.3.4. hidden

8.4. icons

8.5. Ressourcepath: zinabb_core_forum_topic:#topicid

8.6. Extensions

8.6.1. Poll

8.6.2. Calendar event

8.6.3. Media galery

8.6.4. Extensions will be displayed on top of every page inside the topic

8.7. Contains posts