Hip Hop is Culturally Enlightening

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Hip Hop is Culturally Enlightening by Mind Map: Hip Hop is Culturally Enlightening

1. The East Coast

1.1. Highlights the connection between hometown and sense of belonging

1.1.1. Jay-Z Your hometown empowers you Your roots play a big role in shaping who you are and the kind of culture you take part in

2. The South

2.1. Teaches the audience common ways Southerners express and engage with their culture

2.1.1. Camping

2.1.2. Hiking

2.1.3. Bonfires

2.1.4. Roadtrips

2.2. Gives the audience an opportunity to discover components of their own identity

2.2.1. Family values

2.2.2. Engagement in cultural activities Bonding Socializing Games

3. The West Coast

3.1. Emphasizes the importance of being close to your family, loved ones, and community

3.1.1. Tyler, the Creator You can't do it all alone Having people around you to help is important

3.2. Shows appreciation for family members during hard times

3.2.1. 2Pac Growth happens with the support of people who care about you