My Biases

Troy Thrush Biases

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My Biases by Mind Map: My Biases

1. Racial Bias-

1.1. Societal Influences:

1.1.1. I have grown up exposed to cultural stereotypes in school and clubs.

1.2. Familial Teachings

1.2.1. I was taught to be independent and to treat everyone equally.

1.3. Media Exposure

1.3.1. The media tries to divide the country in my eyes to feel opposed to others that disagree with you. Massive amounts of media is disinformation that causes unnessary confrontation and arguements.

1.4. Impact

1.4.1. There can be unequal judgement in different situations and interactions.

2. Gender Bias

2.1. Societal Influences:

2.1.1. Society has generally given males superiority in many job fields and even results in higher salaries for equal positions.

2.2. Familial Teachings:

2.2.1. I was taught that males and females can perform the same positions equally as well. I was raised by a single mother for most of my life and was taught how to be independent.

2.3. Media Exposure

2.3.1. The media that I have been exposed to reminds me that men are constantly making more money than women in equal positions and seeing people on social media argue about the wage gap.

2.4. Impact

2.4.1. Women generally have to work the same positions as men and get paid unequal salaries. This isn't fair and I was raised by a single mother that taught me to fight for my worth.

3. Age Bias

3.1. Societal Influences

3.1.1. The stereotype that older people are more resistant to change and the younger generations are more adaptable to change.

3.2. Familial Teachings

3.2.1. To respect anyone older than myself and to guide or teach anyone younger.

3.3. Media Exposure

3.3.1. The media I have been exposed to tells me that the younger generation doesn't want to work and the older generation performs much better in the workforce.

3.4. Impact

3.4.1. I may treat an elder with more respect and try to teach them more about technology. Even if they are skilled with technology, the bias I have been taught is imprinted in my brain that the elderly struggle with technology. I have learned this through personal experience with family and work experience.