Contemporary Approach

Group 9 - Summary Mind Map

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Contemporary Approach by Mind Map: Contemporary Approach

1. Characteristics

1.1. Technology Integration

1.1.1. Digital Transformation: Enhance operations with AI, Big Data, and Cloud. Automation & AI: Use tech for routine tasks and analytics. Remote & Hybrid Work: Support flexible work with digital tools.

1.2. Innovation and Continuous Improvement

1.2.1. Fostering Innovation: Cultivate creativity and experimentation. Continuous Improvement: Regularly enhance business practices.

1.3. Agile and Lean Practices

1.3.1. Agility: Use agile methods to adapt and respond to feedback. Lean Management: Streamline processes to reduce waste and boost efficiency.

1.4. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

1.4.1. Sustainability: Focus on eco-friendly practices, ethical sourcing, and reducing carbon footprint. CSR: Support communities and uphold ethical practices.

1.5. Data-Driven Decision Making

1.5.1. Analytics & Data Science: Use data to inform decisions, predict trends, and optimize strategies. KPI: Monitor key metrics to assess performance and guide decisions.

1.6. Collaborative and Networked Organizations

1.6.1. Cross-Functional Teams: Foster collaboration for innovation and problem-solving. Networked Organizations: Enable flexibility and responsiveness to market changes.

1.7. Globalized and Cultural Competence

1.7.1. Global Perspective: Manage with a global outlook, considering markets and diverse teams. Cultural Competence: Develop skills to manage and work across cultures effectively.

2. System Theory

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. a system approach looks at the organization as a whole organism consisting of interrelated parts that work together

2.2. Three parts

2.2.1. Inputs raw materials, resources & information needed to supply the organizational system

2.2.2. Throughputs all the activities taking place inside the organization that gets the work done FEEDBACKS come from the customers, the product’s competition, and the employees, and we could refine the process, if necessary, to achieve optimal results

2.2.3. Outputs outcomes, products and services produced and delivered by the organization

2.3. Classification

2.3.1. Closed system Closed systems are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment

2.3.2. Open system Open system organizations are open to their environment

3. Contingency approach

3.1. Definition

3.1.1. Management is situational The most appropriate style of management is dependent on the context

3.1.2. No universal solution The optimal action is contingent upon the internal & external situation

3.2. Historical background

3.2.1. Paul Lawrence & Jay Lorsch (1932) Company should change its structure and processes to fit the conditions around it There's no one-size-fits-all way to organize a company

3.2.2. Joan Woodward (1916 - 1971) There is no one-size-fits-all approach to organizational design The most effective organizational structure depends on the specific technology used by the firm

3.3. Key variables

3.3.1. Organization size

3.3.2. Task technology rountineness

3.3.3. Environmental certainly

3.3.4. Individual differences