Area of Improvement: Behavior Intervention
by Chelsie McClellan
1. Budget
1.1. Professional Development
1.2. Curriculum
1.2.1. Base Kit
1.2.2. Online Portion
1.2.3. Student Workbooks
1.3. Personell
1.3.1. Substitutes
1.3.2. Teacher Stipend *optional
2. Communication Plan
2.1. Families
2.1.1. Google Form to ask parents for feedback of behavior instruction and interventions.
2.1.2. Monthly report for individual students receiving interventions.
2.2. Community
2.2.1. Weekly Newsletters to include strategies for behavior at home, school behavior data, and upcoming rewards for good behavior.
2.3. Faculty
2.3.1. Problem Solving Team meetings to discuss individual Tier 3 behavior students.
2.3.2. Professional Learning Community meetings to discuss classroom behavior strategies and school-wide vocabulary for positive behavior.