First Principles of Instruction
by Kimberly Mullins
1. learners are engaged in solving real-world problems
1.1. Flexible Learning - designing learning for specific contexts, stakeholders and learners - taking into account a multitude of underlying factors
1.2. Design Process - is about generating solutions for ill-defined problems - complicated by factors, constraints and conditions
1.3. Authentic Learning - collaboratively trying to solve a complex and ill-structured real-world problem
2. existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge
2.1. Flexible Learning - use acquired skills, experience, existing portfolios, utilise SME's
2.2. Design Process - using design principles and knowledge of instruction, people and their interactions (as well as expected outcomes) to form basis for original design options
2.3. Authentic Learning - to create a learning scenario where reflection and articulation of prior knowledge leads to tasks that are personally meaningful to learner
3. new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner
3.1. Flexible Learning - researches the new context and takes into account all influences, ie) location, communication, delivery, content...
3.2. Design Process - taking into account all known (research/analysis) and unknown factors - try to align with goals and expectations
3.3. Authentic Learning - learners conduct an investigation/inquiry/project supported by experts, real-life settings and relevant technology
4. new knowledge is applied by the learner
4.1. Flexible Learning- makes changes to design to account for new research/ context/data
4.2. Design Process - reiterative design, constantly evaluating and adapting, make adjustments to generate multiple solutions/prototypes
4.3. Authentic Learning - using materials and tools that are used by practioners in real life/community via empowerment and personalisation
5. new knowledge is integrated into the learner’s world
5.1. Flexible Learning- implementation of the design understanding the need for ongoing flexibility pertaining to technology, teacher training and infrastructure
5.2. Design Process - implmenting design - project management tools, guidelines, feedback and summative evaluation of design
5.3. Authentic Learning - presenting learning to audience or implemented in real context (or could be used for portfolio)