The Complxity of the Golden Era of Hip Hop (Outline)

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The Complxity of the Golden Era of Hip Hop (Outline) by Mind Map: The Complxity of the Golden Era of Hip Hop (Outline)

1. 5. Conclusion

1.1. Conclude

1.2. Restate thesis

2. 6. Bibliography

2.1. No sources yet, but will include at the end

2.2. Proper MLA citation

3. Introduction

3.1. Thesis statement

3.1.1. Despite its negative reputation among many who are uninformed, hip-hop has proven to be far more complex than just violent lyricism. The culture has created lasting waves throughout the nation in a plethora of areas, but I will be focusing on its impact on social issues, feminism, and racism.

3.2. Introduction will cover a brief history of rap and its perception by the masses over time

4. 1. Social Issues

4.1. Poverty/Government/Politics

4.2. Tupac/Biggie: Both extremely influential in speaking out on these issues

4.2.1. "Changes", etc.

4.2.2. Using their voice to make change

4.3. Created a lasting trend of artists using their music to stand up for themsevles and the culture

4.3.1. Kendrick, etc.

5. 2. Feminism

5.1. Women in hip-hop

5.1.1. Ms. Lauryn Hill/Queen Latifah "U.N.I.T.Y.", etc.

5.2. Not just male dominated genre of music, but also lifestyle surrounding the culture

5.3. Making a name for themselves in a hostile/uninviting environemt

5.4. Women empowerment, equality and respect

6. 3. Racism

6.1. Racism in society

6.1.1. Injustice

6.1.2. Police Violence and racist behaviors

6.1.3. White appropriation Mimicked the culture, took it from African Americans, mocked it

6.2. Hip-hop was a way for those affected by racism to stand up for themselves

6.2.1. Spread information

6.2.2. Create unity among those impacted

6.2.3. Public Enemy, KRS-One "Fight the Power"

7. 4. Counterargument

7.1. Gangsta Rap

7.1.1. Often seen as promotes violence What it really is Reality check Way of expression Informative/educating

7.1.2. Grew to be very popular