Obesity (30 % over ideal body weight)

Focuses on Childhood Obesity

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Obesity (30 % over ideal body weight) por Mind Map: Obesity  (30 % over ideal body weight)

1. Activity Level

1.1. Kids arent as active

1.1.1. 50% of obesity children arent involved in sports

1.2. Kids are active so parents let them eat whatever they want

1.2.1. Mcdonalds after games

1.2.2. Fast food after practice

1.3. Children follow their parents Activity factors

2. Smoking

2.1. Risk of death is 3.5 to 5 times greater for obese smokers

2.2. 20 percent of obese adults in the United States smoke

2.3. Obese smokers face a greater risk of death from cancer and circulatory disease.

3. Metabolic and Endocrine Factors

4. Gender

4.1. Women tend to have a higher body fat then males

4.2. More women are obese, but more men are overweight.

4.3. Obese men are 30 to 40 percent more likely to die of cancer than normal weight men are

5. Pregnancy

5.1. If you are obese during pregnancy you can put your child at risk

6. Socioeconomic Status

6.1. Fast food is cheaper and easier

6.2. Unhealhy food is more affordable

6.2.1. Hungry man is cheaper than a lean cuisine

7. Nutrition

7.1. People arent educated

7.2. Eat all calories necessary for one day in one meal

8. Genetic Factors

8.1. Bad genes, gentically obese family

9. Race

9.1. African Americans tend to suffer from overweight/ obesity more

9.2. More than half of all Americans are overweight or obese and the percentages are most shocking for women of color.

9.3. African-American, American Indian and Hispanic-American women have the highest risk of becoming overweight

9.4. Asians have the lowest rate

10. Age

10.1. As you get older your metabolism slows down

10.2. Chil­dren of­ten be­come over­weight by age two

10.3. Chil­dren whose BMI ex­ceeded that of 85 per­cent of the gen­er­al popula­t­ion were clas­si­fied as over­weight. Nine­ty per­cent were re­corded as over­weight be­fore age five

11. Time

11.1. Arent on a particular schedule

11.2. Dont have time to cook dinner

11.3. Fast food is faster and easier