Working Smarter 2011

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Working Smarter 2011 by Mind Map: Working Smarter 2011

1. Social Learning

1.1. Social learning in the workplace

1.2. Social Learning Tools

1.3. Twitter

1.4. Social strategy checklist

2. Rethinking learning

2.1. What the future holds

2.2. Not school

2.3. Courses are dead

2.4. Emergent Learning

2.5. Stocks & Flows

2.6. Learning is not enough

3. Working Smarter

3.1. Terra Nova

3.2. Working Smarter

3.3. Workscapes

3.4. Motivation

3.5. Payoff

3.6. Business Results

3.7. Reflection

4. The Business Case

4.1. Productivity, not your father's ROI

4.2. Speak the language

4.3. Intangibles rule

4.4. Become a chief meta-learning officer

4.5. Why waste money on training

5. Informal Learning

5.1. The Poster

5.2. Conversation

5.3. Emergence

5.4. Community

5.5. Unblended

5.6. Grokking

5.7. Wither 80%

6. Cheat sheets

6.1. 10 proven facts about learning

6.2. John Medina's Brain Rules

6.3. Five easy steps to social learning

6.4. Snowden's Cynevin Framework

6.5. 7 c's of natural learning


7. Instructional Design 2.0

7.1. Welcome to uncertainty

7.2. Collaboration and trust

7.3. Platforms, not programs

7.4. Unmeetings and other uns

7.5. Diminishing content

7.6. When not to train

8. Stories of Working Smarter

9. Back matter

9.1. Keeping up

9.2. Glossary

9.3. Bibliography

9.4. People

9.5. Authors

9.6. Where Jay is coming from

9.7. Reviews

9.8. Unbooks

9.9. About Internet TIme Alliance

9.10. Internet Time Lab