the study: BA (Hons) Journalism

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the study: BA (Hons) Journalism by Mind Map: the study: BA (Hons) Journalism

1. why you should choose this course?

1.1. After the first year ther are different options totchoose

1.2. You get more ecperiences

1.3. You will wortk on your furure.

1.4. You learn to work for companies.

1.5. You develop a larger network.

2. Study destination.

2.1. The study is located in london.

2.1.1. Easily available by public transport.

2.1.2. many other students in this city.

2.1.3. there is a nice vibe in the city .

2.2. the official language is english.

2.2.1. so it's easy to comunucate with other people.

2.3. london has many beautiful buildings.

2.4. this is the flag of England.

3. Program of the study

3.1. First year

3.1.1. An introduction to your course. 20 credits

3.1.2. Print and Online Journalism 20 Credits

3.1.3. Journalism: Perspective and Theory 20 Credits

3.1.4. Law and Ethics. 20 Credits

3.1.5. Audio and Video Journalism 20 Credits

3.1.6. Contemporary Challenges in Journalism 20 Credits

3.2. second year

3.2.1. Print and Online Journalism Pathway 1: Multimedia Storytelling 20 Credits

3.2.2. Print and Online Journalism Pathway 2: Longer-form journalism 40 Credits

3.2.3. Audio and Video Journalism Pathway 1: Audio Journalism and Podcasting 20 Credits

3.2.4. Audio and Video Journalism Pathway 2: Advanced Audio/Video Journalism 40 Credits

3.2.5. Option Unit 20 Credits

3.2.6. Professional Industry Practice 20 Credits

3.2.7. Research into Journalism 20 Credits

3.3. third year

3.3.1. Final Major Project 60 Credits

3.3.2. Research Project 40 Credits

3.3.3. Creative Futures 20 Credits

4. Fees and funding

4.1. International fee £29,990 per year

4.1.1. This fee is correct for entry in autumn 2024 and may increase for entry in autumn 2025.

4.1.2. Tuition fees may increase in future years for new and continuing students.

4.1.3. Home fees are currently charged to UK nationals and UK residents who meet the rules.

4.2. £9,250 per year

4.2.1. Tuition fees may increase in future years for new and continuing students.

4.3. Additional costs

4.3.1. You may need to cover additional costs which are not included in your tuition fees, such as materials and equipment specific to your course.

4.4. Accommodation

4.4.1. Find out about accommodation options and how much they will cost, and other living expenses you'll need to consider.

5. Assessment methods

5.1. Portfolio of practical journalism work

5.2. Portfolio of research findings

5.3. Academic essay

5.4. Reflective report

5.5. Class presentation or written report

5.6. Dissertation

6. Entry requirements

6.1. IELTS level 6.5 or above, with at least 5.5 in reading, writing, listening and speaking.

6.2. A Levels at grade C or above.

6.3. Distinction at Foundation Diploma in Art & Design (Level 3 or 4).

6.4. Distinction, Merit, Merit at BTEC Extended Diploma (preferred subjects: Creative Media and Journalism, Business/ Business Studies, Media).

6.5. Merit at UAL Extended Diploma.

6.6. Access to Higher Education Diploma.

6.7. OR equivalent EU/International qualifications, such as International Baccalaureate Diploma at 24 points minimum

7. Learning and teaching methods

7.1. Lectures

7.2. Seminars

7.3. Tutorials

7.4. Practical, hands-on workshops

7.5. Workshops

7.6. Group work

7.7. Artefact website and print magazine

7.8. Field trips

7.9. Workshops

7.10. Theory

7.11. Research methods

7.12. Industry-based learning