Snapping Snowflakes

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Snapping Snowflakes by Mind Map: Snapping Snowflakes

1. Equipment Composition

1.1. 3 cameras

1.2. 2 Motion Sensors

1.3. Ultra-Bright LED

2. Stereotypes

2.1. 6 sided

2.2. Symmetrical

2.3. white


3.1. 15 Inch long

3.2. 8 inch thick

4. Truth

4.1. Clear and transparent

4.2. Different shapes

5. Types of snowflakes

5.1. Aggregates

5.1.1. Snowflakes that bump into other snowflakes

5.2. Graupel

5.2.1. Aggregates that freeze into ice pellets

6. Unusual fact

6.1. Snowflakes always have 6 sides

6.1.1. "The oxygen atom has a particularly strong attraction to the electron clouds of the two hydrogen atoms and pulls them closer. This leaves the two hydrogen ends more positively charged, and the center of the “V” more negatively charged. When other water molecules “brush up” against this growing snowflake, strong forces between the negatively charged and positively charged parts of different particles cause them to join together in a very specific three-dimensional pattern with a six-sided symmetry. Each water molecule that joins the snowflake reflects this pattern until eventually we can see its macroscopic six-sided shape."