Types of pain
by Robert Tadevosyan
1. Phantom pain (pain feels like it's coming from a body part that is no longer there)
1.1. Management
1.1.1. Nonopioids (Ibuprofen)
1.1.2. antidepressants
1.1.3. nonpharmacological treatmens such as acupuncture
2. Soft tissue pain
2.1. Back or neck pain
2.2. Bursits (inflammation of a bursa(fluid filled sac or saclike cavity))
2.3. Sport injuries
3. Reffered pain (pain feels like it is coming from one particular location but is the result of an injury in another structure)
3.1. Management
3.1.1. Nonopioids (Ibuprofen)
3.1.2. cold/warm compresses
3.1.3. Nonpharmacological treatment such as massage
4. Nerve pain
4.1. causes
4.1.1. Alcoholism
4.1.2. An injury to the brain or nerve
4.1.3. Cancer
4.1.4. Vitamin B12 deficiency
4.1.5. Stroke (sudden bleeding in the brain)
5. Managment
5.1. Antidepressants
5.2. Anticonvulsants (antiepileptic drugs)
5.3. nonpharmacological treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy
6. Management
6.1. Nonopioids (Ibuprofen)
6.2. nonpharmacological treatmants such as ice, physiotherapy
7. Management
7.1. Nonopioids(Ibuprofen)
7.2. Opoids(Morphin)
7.3. Nonpharmacological treatment such as ice or bioelectric therapy
8. Management
8.1. Nonopioids (Ibuprofen)
8.2. Opioids (Morphin)
8.3. Surgery
9. Acute pain
9.1. A fall
9.2. A broken bone
9.3. Burns or cuts
10. Chronic pain
10.1. Cancer
10.2. Circulation problems
10.3. Diabetes (problem with sugar in blood)
10.4. Headache
11. Breakthrough pain (sudden short increase in pain)
11.1. Occurs with physical activity
11.2. Occurs with coughing
11.3. Occurs with illness
11.4. Occurs with stress
12. Bone pain
12.1. Cancer
12.2. Fracture (broken bone)
12.3. infection
12.4. leukemia (cancer of the body's blood forming tissues)
13. Management
13.1. Nonopioids (Ibuprofen)
13.2. Opioids (Morphin)
13.3. Antidepressants
13.4. Nonpharmacological treatment such as bioelectric therapy, radiation therapy
14. Management
14.1. short acting opioid (Tramadol)
14.2. Nonpharmacological treatments such as acupuncture or relaxation techniques