1. Membraneous organelles
1.1. Mitochondria
1.1.1. LM :not stand with H&E. stand with jannus green
1.1.2. EM: 1. Has double membrane A.outar smooth B.inner rough(crista) C.intermembrane between them 2.matrix cotain: A.proteins B.DNA C.RNA D.ca++
1.1.3. Function of mitochondria: 1.Power house of cell 2.contain enzyme for krebs cycle 3.control calcium level in cell 4.site of oxidative phosphorylation
1.2. Golgi apparatus
1.2.1. LM: Not stand with H&E Stand with silver stain . Near negative golgi image
1.2.2. EM: زي الي قبله Cisterna: 1.Slight curved 2.Dilated at periohery المهم 3.Present in stacks has 2 face A. Cis face ((convex,outer, related to transfer vesicles)) B. Trans face ((concave,inner,related to secretory vesicles and lysosome))
1.2.3. Function: 1. Chemical modification 2.packaging of secretory product 3. Synthesis lysosome & secretory vesicles 4. Recycling and redistribution
1.3. Lysosome
1.3.1. Primary lysosome ((newly formed)) : appear as rounded homogeneous they have not Participated in digestive event
1.3.2. Secondary lysosome A. Heterophagic vacuole صلب Primary lysosome fuses with phagosome (solid particle) B. Multivesicular body ماء Primary lysosome fuses with a pinocytotic vesicles (fluid droplet) C. Autophagic vacuole. ذاتي Primary lysosome fuses with autophagosome EX: dead mitochondria n
1.4. Nucleus
2. Non membraneous organelles
2.1. Cytoskeleton
2.1.1. Microtubules (25nm) Don't show up By LM Provide the basic structure for : centrioles/basal bodies/ cilia and flagella 1. Centriole Cilla Flagella : موجودة في الحيوانات المنوية فقط ( sperm)
2.1.2. Microfilaments Thin filaments (actin filaments).7nm Intermediate filaments (neuro filaments). Thick filaments (myosin filaments).10nm