Lexicon Plumbing Business Overview

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Lexicon Plumbing Business Overview by Mind Map: Lexicon Plumbing Business Overview

1. Staff

1.1. Aaron Halavaka (Director and CEO)

1.1.1. Matt (Office Assistant)

1.1.2. Peter (Field Technician)

1.1.3. Jayden (???)

1.1.4. Joseph (Admin Assistant)

2. About

3. Administrative

3.1. E-mail

3.1.1. Organizing

3.1.2. Invoices to "Dext"

3.1.3. Responding

3.1.4. Weekly News Letter

3.2. Drive

3.3. ServiceM8 (office)

3.3.1. Cleaning up Clients list

3.3.2. * Creating Job Order

3.3.3. Scheduling Job order to Technicians

4. Operations

4.1. ServiceM8 for Technician

4.2. Qoute Order

4.3. Work Order

5. Sales & Marketing

5.1. Marketing

5.1.1. social media management Content Creation Graphic design Copy writing Engagements

5.1.2. Email (news letters) MailChimp

5.1.3. Website

6. Finance & Accounting

6.1. Dext Management

6.2. Invoices

6.3. Remittances

6.4. Payroll

7. Human Resource

7.1. Recruitment

7.2. contracts

7.3. Payroll

7.4. Performance Reviews

7.5. Development Planning