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Modals 1 by Mind Map: Modals 1

1. Ability

1.1. Can

1.1.1. Expressing ability now or general I can run a kilometre in four minutes.

1.1.2. Expressing decisions made now about future ability We can mett at the gym tomorrow, if you like.

1.2. Could

1.2.1. Expresing ability at the past I could do fifty press-ups with one hand when i was younger.

1.2.2. Expressing ability at the present, future or general hypothetical situations If only I could quit smoking.

1.3. Could + perfect infinitive

1.3.1. I could have roasted the potatoes, but i decided that boiling them was healthier.

2. Permission

2.1. May/ould/can

2.1.1. Asking for and giving permission now, for the future or generaly May/could/can I see the doctor, please.

3. Advice

3.1. should/ought to

3.1.1. Asking for and giving advice now,for the future or generally You ought to/should cut down on the amount of red meat you eat.

4. Criticism

4.1. should/ought to (+ perfect infinitive)

4.1.1. Criticism past behaviour He uoght to/should have made to more of an effort with his diet.

5. Obligation and necesity

5.1. must/have to/need to

5.1.1. expressing obliagtion or necessity I must/have to/need to pick up that prescription from the chemist on the way home

5.2. Needn't/don't have to/don't need to

5.2.1. Expressing lack of obligation on necessity You needn't/don't have to/don/t need to pick up that prescriptions from the chemist as i'll get it while i'm in town

5.3. had to

5.3.1. Expressing past obligation I had to take the pills three times a day for two weeks

5.4. needn't(+ perfect infinitive)/didn't have to/didn't need to

5.4.1. Expressing lack of past obligation I needn't have gone/didn't have to/didn't need to go to the doctor

6. Degrees of certainty

6.1. must/can/couldn't

6.1.1. Expressing certainty (or near certainty) about now or generally That must be the district nurse at the door. These can't/couldn't be the pills; they're the wrong color

6.2. must/can't/couldn't(+ perfect infinitive)

6.2.1. Exprassing certainty (or near certainly) about the past She must have been in a lot of pain. His leg can't/couldn't have been in plaster for two years.

6.3. should/ought to

6.3.1. Expressing probility about now, the future or generally You ought to/should feel better ni a few days, as long as you get losts of rest.

6.4. should/aught to(+ perfect infinitice)

6.4.1. Expressing probility about the past The bruise ought to/should have dissapeared days ago. I wonder why it didn't.

6.5. could/may/might

6.5.1. Expressing possibility about now, the future or generally You should talk to your doctor first because that diet could/may/might be dangerous.

6.6. coulg/may/might(+ perfect infinitive)

6.6.1. Expressing possibility about the real past That could/may/ might have been the doctor reng earlier while we were out.

6.7. could/might(+ perfect infinitive)

6.7.1. Expressing possobility about a hypothetical past It's a good thing you went to the doctor or you could/might have become quite ill.