ENG 104Z Story Connections

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ENG 104Z Story Connections by Mind Map: ENG 104Z Story Connections

1. Irony

1.1. Bullet in the Brain

1.2. The Cask of Amontillado

1.2.1. Gothic Themes

2. Relationships and Empathy

2.1. The Paper Menagerie

2.2. The Moths

2.3. Hills Like White Elephants

2.3.1. Minimalism

2.4. A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings

3. Magical Realism

3.1. The Paper Menagerie

3.1.1. Coming of Age

3.2. Volar

4. Power Dynamics and Gender Roles

4.1. The Story of an Hour

4.1.1. Feminist Themes

4.2. The Yellow Wallpaper

4.2.1. Foreshadowing

4.3. A Rose for Emily

5. Isolation

5.1. The Yellow Wallpaper

5.2. A Rose for Emily

6. Death and Mortality

6.1. The Story of an Hour

6.2. A Rose for Emily

6.3. The Cask of Amontillado

6.4. Bullet in the Brain

7. Cultural Identity

7.1. Volar

7.1.1. Cultural Identity

7.2. The Moths

7.2.1. Symbolism

7.3. The Paper Menagerie