1. Juzi-(concrete divisive concept) Only one member
1.1. 2 types
1.1.1. Juzi haqiqi - original concrete divisive concept that mafhum which only has 1 member
1.1.2. Juzi idafi - appended concrete divisive concept that mafhum which is more specific below something general
2. Kulli-(universal concept) many members
2.1. 5 types in regards to its members
2.1.1. Jins(genus)-kulli which is part of the reality of its members and their members have different realites 2 types 1. Jins quarib (near genus) kulli which always occurs as an answer to a question regarding two realities 2. Jins baiid (remote genus) Kulli which occasionaly occurs as a answer to a question regarding any two realities 3 types in regards to its order Jins aali (higher genus) The jins below which there is a jins but none above it Jins saafil (lower genus) Jins above which there is a jins but no jins below it Jins mutawassit (middle genus) Has jins both above and below it
2.1.2. Naw(species)-kulli is equivalent to the reality of its members and its members have the same reality 2types naw Haqiqi - original species Kulli which is equivalent to the reality of its members and its members have the same reality naw Idafi - appended species reality which if added with another reality and questioned regarding "what this is" answer = kulli jins 3 types regarding its order Naw aali (higher species) The naw below which there is a naw but none above it Naw saafil (lower species) naw above which there is a naw but no naw below it Naw mutawassit (middle species) Has naw both above and below it
2.1.3. Fasl(diffrentia)-kulli which is part of the reality of its members and creates a distinction between a naw and rest 2 types Fasl qarib - close differentia that fasl which creates a distinction between one species/naw and the rest in terms of jins qarib Fasl Baid - remote differentia that fasl which creates a distinction between one species/naw and the rest in terms of jins baid
2.1.4. Khassah (particular accident ) Not part of the reality of its members and specific to one naw
2.1.5. Ard am(common accident ) Not part of the reality of its members and not specific to one naw
2.2. 4 types in regard to have a relationship with kulli
2.2.1. Mutasawiyan(equivalent)- 2 kulli with same members
2.2.2. Mutabayinain(non equivalent)- 2 kulli with different members
2.2.3. Aam akhas mutlaq(more general and more specific without exception)- 2 kulli in which one member has all of the others but the otherb doesnt have all the members of others
2.2.4. Aam akhas min wajh (more general and more specific from perspective)- 2 kulli, each have some members of the other
2.3. 2 type regards to being part of the reality of its members
2.3.1. Zati (essence ) part of the reality of its members
2.3.2. Aradi (unessence) not Part of the reality of its members 2 types Arad lazim - necessary accident Thatbkulli which is impossible to part from its mahiyah, entity. Arad mufariq - disengaging accident that kulli aradi which is possible to part from the mahiyah
2.4. 6 types Regards in Existence or non existence of its members
2.4.1. 1. Existence is impossible
2.4.2. 2. Existence possible, no members
2.4.3. 3. Existence possible, only one member,other members impossible
2.4.4. 6.Many members exist and are unlimited
2.4.5. 4. Existence possible but only one member and other member existence is possible
2.4.6. 5. Many members exist and are limited
3. Muarrif - arranged knowledge in the form of tasawur
3.1. 4 types
3.1.1. Had tam - complete term muarrif which consists of the jins qarib and the fasl qarib
3.1.2. Had naqis - deficient term muarrif which consists of the jins baiid and the fasl qarib or just a fasl qarib
3.1.3. Rasm tam - complete description muarrif which consists of the jins qarib and the khassah
3.1.4. Rasm naqis - deficient description muarrif which consists of the jins baiid and khassah or just khassah