7 Steps to Manifest Your Goals, Dreams, and Desires by Kevin Trudeau

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7 Steps to Manifest Your Goals, Dreams, and Desires by Kevin Trudeau by Mind Map: 7 Steps to Manifest Your Goals, Dreams, and Desires by Kevin Trudeau

1. Step 1: Hate/Disgust the situation you are in right now

1.1. Negative energy contracts and condenses

1.2. Positive energy expands

2. Step 2: Define what you want

2.1. From the point of not liking the ..., Define what you want. Expand your dream.

3. Step 3: Write down specifically what you want

3.1. Coz there is mass to attract what you want to

4. Step 4: Dream building

4.1. Study, touch, & feel. It is all energy. It attracts much faster.

5. Step 5: Picture & feel as if you were already in possession of it

6. Step 6: Release your attachment to it.

6.1. It is totally OK if I never get it.

6.2. When I least expect it, that is when it happens.

7. Step 7 Measure your progress

7.1. You cannot live in a dream world. You can't be delusional. Do the next step, which is to break down your dream into singular chief aims.

7.1.1. Chief aim is you know, and you can attain within 6-12 months

7.1.2. Objective is you know, and you can attain within 1-3 months.

7.1.3. Then ask WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO toward that objectives? What actual individual action steps naturally are they? If you do not know the actual action steps, write down the end result. When you write down in such a way, the whole universe now realize that you are serious.

7.1.4. Measure your progress with statistics.

7.1.5. Everything has to be measurable

7.1.6. Otherwise, you will confuse activities with accomplishments.

7.1.7. Busy yourself with actions that matter toward your goal, dream, and desires.

8. Extra: Associate with like-minded people to empower ech other energetically.