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UNIT 3 by Mind Map: UNIT 3

1. Graphic design

1.1. The 4 basic principles of graphic design

1.1.1. Proximity

1.1.2. Alignment

1.1.3. Repetition

1.1.4. Contrast

2. Book cover

2.1. Dust jacket

2.2. Flap → Solapa

2.2.1. Front-inside flap

2.2.2. Back-inside flap

2.3. A paperback edition → Rústica

2.4. A hardcover edition → De tapa dura

3. Website design

3.1. Subtle

3.2. Invest

3.3. Clutter

3.4. Copy

3.5. Summarize

3.6. Flash

4. Branding, Identity and Logo

4.1. Branding

4.1.1. To represent, symbolize: to stand for • (Informal) Very small –literally “small enough to be eaten in one mouthful”: bite sized

4.2. Identity

4.2.1. Logo Stationery Collateral Packaging Apparel

4.3. Logo

4.3.1. Looks like

4.3.2. Recognizable

4.3.3. Memorable

5. Packaging

5.1. 1.) pedir, encargar (un producto): to order. 2.) personalizado: customized , tailored and personalized. 3.) tapa (n): lid. 4.) captar la atención: to capture attention. 5.) sobresalir, destacar: to stand out. 6.) tendencia: trend.