Curriculum Guidelines for Science

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Curriculum Guidelines for Science by Mind Map: Curriculum Guidelines for Science

1. Lecture method

2. Inquiry-based method

3. Advantages

4. Dis- Advantages

5. * Requires less rigid space requirement. * Permits adaptability. * Permits versatility. * Permits better centre over contact and sequence

6. *Poses problems in skill teaching. * Encourages student passiveness. * Poses difficulty in gauging student reaction. * Require highly skilled instructors

7. Is an educational strategy that places the student at the center of learning, promoting active exploration, the formulation of questions, and research to construct their own knowledge.

8. Merits of Observation method

9. simulated problems to develop critical thinking

10. research

11. collaboration skills.

12. following principles

13. Principle of experience.

14. Principle of play-way.

15. Principle of individual effort.

16. Project Based Learning

17. - “Students are actively involved in the learning process - It will train students' thinking in dealing with problems - Students work cooperatively and reflect on what they have learned

18. Direct Data Collection

19. Contextual Understanding

20. Non-Intrusive

21. Real-Time Analysis

22. Useful for Exploratory Research

23. Problem-based learning (PBL)

24. Principle of activity.

25. Principle of logical thinking.