Enhance Upper-Intermediate English Proficiency

Enhance Upper-Intermediate English Proficiency

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Enhance Upper-Intermediate English Proficiency by Mind Map: Enhance Upper-Intermediate English Proficiency

1. Assessment Strategies

1.1. Quizzes and tests to evaluate grammar and vocabulary acquisition.

1.2. Reading comprehension exercises with inference-based questions.

1.3. Written assignments and essays graded on coherence, accuracy, and critical thinking.

1.4. Progress tracking through self-assessment journals and peer reviews.

2. Unit 1: Sentence Agreement

2.1. To achieve grammatical accuracy by mastering subject-verb agreement and the correct use of verb tenses.

2.1.1. Understand and apply the rules of subject-verb agreement in complex sentences.

2.1.2. Identify and correct errors in verb tense usage in various contexts.

2.1.3. Analyze the impact of grammatical accuracy on clarity and meaning in written and spoken English.

3. Unit 2: Vocabulary Building

3.1. To expand lexical knowledge and improve word choice through the study of synonyms, antonyms, and context-based vocabulary use.

3.1.1. Identify and use synonyms and antonyms effectively in writing and speaking.

3.1.2. Understand nuances of meaning to select appropriate words for specific contexts.

3.1.3. Develop a systematic approach to learning and retaining new vocabulary through thematic grouping and repetition.

4. Unit 3: Active Reading with Inference

4.1. To develop critical reading skills by practicing inference and interpreting implicit meaning in texts.

4.1.1. Differentiate between explicit and implicit information in reading materials.

4.1.2. Use contextual clues to make logical inferences and predictions.

4.1.3. Evaluate and summarize key ideas from texts to enhance comprehension and analytical thinking.

5. Unit 4: Reading and Writing

5.1. To integrate reading and writing skills by using context clues and critical analysis

5.1.1. Analyze written texts to identify key arguments, themes, and supporting details.

5.2. to produce coherent and structured written responses.

5.2.1. Use textual evidence to construct well-organized critical analyses.

5.2.2. Apply advanced writing techniques to produce coherent paragraphs and essays.

6. Methods

6.1. Interactive grammar and vocabulary exercises.

6.2. Guided reading sessions with inference-based questioning.

6.3. Writing workshops focusing on planning, drafting, and revising.

6.4. Role-plays and discussions to simulate real-world communication scenarios.