My Cultural Identity

Describe my cultural identity mapping

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My Cultural Identity by Mind Map: My Cultural Identity

1. Relationships Between Components

1.1. Nationality and Language

1.2. Language and Family Heritage

2. Beliefs

2.1. Emphasis on family

2.2. empathy

2.3. compassion

2.4. community

3. Religion and Faith

3.1. Religious Background

3.1.1. Catholic

3.2. Key Practices

3.2.1. Weekly Mass, religious holidays, and Catholic traditions

3.3. Impact

3.3.1. Moral principles, compassion, empathy

4. Nationality

4.1. Country

4.1.1. United States of America

4.2. Heritage

4.2.1. Mexican

4.3. Cultural Influence

4.3.1. Dual perspective from both American and Mexican cultures.

4.4. Values

4.4.1. Commitment,family, neighborhood, independence

5. Language

5.1. Languages Spoken

5.1.1. English, Spanish

5.2. Cultural Influence

5.2.1. Navigate and connect with two different cultural realms.

5.3. Impact

5.3.1. Bilingualism

6. Family Heritage and Traditions

6.1. Family Values

6.1.1. Family gatherings and celebrations

6.2. Traditions

6.2.1. Día de los Muertos & Christmas

6.3. Impact

6.3.1. Deep connection to family history