Digital Cashflow

This mind map created in Digital Cashflow school for educated to student.

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Digital Cashflow by Mind Map: Digital Cashflow

1. Digital Ecosystem

2. Digital Journey

3. Concept 3

4. Concept 2

5. Welcome

6. Introduction

7. Concept 1

8. Analyse Your Existing Business

8.1. Website

8.1.1. Selling

8.1.2. Presence

8.1.3. Influence

8.2. Social Media

8.2.1. Facebook

8.2.2. Youtube

8.2.3. Instagram

8.2.4. Linkedin

8.2.5. Twetter

8.2.6. Quora

8.3. Digital Marketing

8.3.1. Sms

8.3.2. Whatsapp

8.3.3. Email

9. Learn Entire Digital Marketing

9.1. WebsiteCreation

9.2. Search Engine Optimisation

9.3. Content Creation

9.4. Social Media Optimisation

9.5. Search Engine Marketing

9.6. Social Media Marketing

9.7. Analytics